My name is Scott. I fought fires for 18 years and I’ve been making beer for a year and a half.
I was tired of spending a lot of money buying beer, so I figured I’d buy a starter kit at a local homebrew shop, cook it on my stove, and pray it wouldn’t come out half bad.
Beer contains simple ingredients – water, grains, hops, and yeast. Depending on the ingredients and ratios, you get different types of beer. Easy, right? Follow a recipe and you have beer. You’d think so.
I did some more research (perhaps the most important ingredient of all) and quickly learned that to make better beer I needed better equipment. I brought in the electric heaters, pumps, chillers, hlt, mashtuns, boil kettles, controllers, and, last but not least, the fermentors.
I almost forgot the most important tip for making good beer – find other people who do this to discuss issues and share recipes. I joined a
homebrew club through my homebrew shop,
Homebrew and Hand Grenades.
According to
most of my friends who consume
most of my beer, it’s pretty good. If you’d like to try it, I’ll be serving my Dunkelweizen and possibly an oatmeal raisin porter at Great South Bay Brewery
Punktoberfest on Oct 24th and the
Great Beer Expo at Belmont Race Track on Nov 7
About Scott
Now that ex-fire chief Scott Bryan isn’t out fighting fires, he’s home brewing beer. As our resident brewmaster, he’ll talk equipment, brews, and reviews. He may even post a recipe once in awhile.